10 Board Games Being Played NOW - "People's Choice" Board Game Picks! - cutlassboardgame.com

10 Board Games Being Played NOW – “People’s Choice” Board Game Picks!

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Counting down the Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that our viewers couldn’t let us overlook this month! Find the best new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on the Viewers’ Votes!

*The Perfect Wave*

Grab your board, paddle out, and surf your way to greatness! (And play it on Tabletopia before it’s released in stores!)


*Unmatched Brains and Brawn*

Doctor Strange, She-Hulk, and Spider-Man fight against each other or mix-and-match with any other Unmatched set!

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  1. I didn't think I could enjoy listening to either of you guys more until I heard y'all together. More!

  2. Coming to comment that Sobek 2 Players is a blend of KINGDOMINO and JAIPUR because the designers of both games came together to make this game 🙂 you can tell pretty quickly the inspirations after playing.

  3. You two are so much fun to watch! Thanks for another great video. Helped me unwind after a very long, stressful week.

    And I should get King of New York to the table. I've owned it for years, but never played it. It's easier to get King of Tokyo to the table since everyone knows it. Gotta get King of New York off our shelves of opportunity and see how it plays! Soon! 😅

  4. This was laugh out loud funny. The banter between the two of you felt so off-the-cuff and organic, yet sharp and witty throughout. The editing with hearts around the Knizia picture and the dramatic crescendo in the alliteration filled comment was icing on the cake. More like this please! Thanks for the fun!

  5. Matthew is British? From the accent, I've always assumed he was an american education victim. I am so sorry!

  6. I thought for sure Chaz was trying to say Leonardo Dicaprio hahaha

  7. I adore the back and forth between you crazy fellas.

  8. I don't usually like take that games, but I really enjoy King of Tokyo.

  9. pretty sure The Notebook was written by Nicholas Sparks, not Leonardo da Vinci. Nonetheless, The Notebook would be an interesting roll-and-write theme.

    Is Millennium Blades getting eyeballs because of Challengers?

  10. That "forgetting Chaz" bit seemed suspiciously genuine 🤔

  11. Bargain Quest!!
    Family loves that game. 😊

  12. A friend of mine has had King of Tokyo for several years. We tend to play longer strategy games overall, but King of Tokyo is a game that I still find super fun, and it can be nice when time is short, or playing with new gamers, or as a cool down game after playing something heavy. Also, I was gifted a copy of this game about a year ago, and since my friend already has it, I exchanged it for King of New York which offers somewhat more strategic gameplay while still providing all the chaos and luck that I enjoy in the original.

  13. Excellent video! This format was very relaxing and funny, just banter and stuff. 10/10!

  14. ‼️👑🤖👽🦧🦍🐊🤼KING OF TOKYO‼️🧩♟🎲🛡🎎🇯🇵🎌👑‼️

  15. This reminds me I should get my copy of Bargain Quest out of its box and play it again… but I also have King Of Tokyo Dark Edition. hmm decisions, decisions…

  16. If you didn't record that live together, that was a master class in editing. Hilarious. Wonderful timing. If this was an actual conversation, it's still highly above average in entertainment value… and you can quote me on that!!

  17. Polyominos are geometric shapes made up of squares touching against their full sides. Tetrominos are geometric shapes made of up four squares connected along their full sides (aka all of the shapes in Tetris) All tetrominos are polyominos but not all polyominos are tetrominos.

  18. Played High Society once, then sold it. Art was really pretty but not my kind of game.
    My city roll and build is ok. I like the way the dice work.
    Welcome to is a great game. Just got Welcome to the moon. While I don’t care about the choose your own adventure campaign part, I like all the different maps.
    Mille Fiori is a nice little game. Very pretty, simple enough for most people but challenging enough to keep it interesting.
    Tucano is a great filler game. Love how some cards start negative and get positive and some the opposite.
    Every time I play King of Tokyo with new people, they either love it or hate it. I like it but can get sick of it if I play too often.

  19. Just wonder if Matthew was clean shaven when you started this recording….so much unsaid in the interactions!

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