10 Board Games Being Played NOW - "People's Choice" Board Game Picks! - cutlassboardgame.com

10 Board Games Being Played NOW – “People’s Choice” Board Game Picks!

Watch It Played
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Counting down the Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that our viewers couldn’t let us overlook this month! Find the best new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on the Viewers’ Votes!

*Last Night On Earth + Expansions*
Last Night On Earth:
Growing Hunger:
Survival Of The Fittest:
Band together to fight for your very lives on a night that never ends!



Try to predict player’s ranking of crazy choices!

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#WatchItPlayed #FindBoardGames #TopBoardGamesOctober


  1. LOL yes, definitely feeling the shame now 😛 I am also not good at abstract games but for some reason I enjoy torturing myself by playing them.

  2. Turnt those tides! I appreciate how willing you guys are to put up with reading whatever nonsense is handed to you in viewer comments. The Discworld…poem? rap? multi-artistic experience? Whatever it was, it was a delight.

  3. I think you should interpretive dance every board game from now on

  4. Just ordered Sea Salt and Paper now that it is publicly available. Be here tomorrow before my plane flight to Florida 😊

  5. The reason people give you movie references is because, they are socially awkward and no one taught them or their generation how to have genuine conversation or how to start one. Aka all us Gen X. 😂😂😂 So we speak in movie code to see who we should talk to or spend time with .

  6. Now I want an entire channel where Paula performs interpretive dance for modern boardgames. I can't wait to see what she does with Dominant Species.

  7. "There is more alliteration to come, I fear, in this video."
    It was at that moment Matthew realized the only way out of tongue-twisting hell is murder. Hide, Chaz! I know I am!

  8. I feel the only comment that can be made is now, "I'm ready…." Brilliant editing on that one.

  9. 4:26 Pure poetry!Here I though Chaz was the one capable of this kind of next-level phrasing but oh how the turns have tabled. Urm the tables have tided. Urm the turntable tidal table turns turn tides on the table… urm you get the idea.

  10. Matthew needs to watch The Princess Bride. And maybe Labrynth.

  11. Matthew needs to watch The Princess Bride. And maybe Labrynth.

  12. Can we please know what happened with the Dune Imperium Uprising How to Play video ?

  13. I’m waiting for the Chicken Salt expansion to Sea salt & paper.

  14. Matthew lost 5 bagillion Mike Points for not ever seeing two classic movies. He's doomed to play abstracts forever. Oh wait….

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