10 Board Games Being Played NOW - "People's Choice" Board Game Picks! - cutlassboardgame.com

10 Board Games Being Played NOW – “People’s Choice” Board Game Picks!

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Counting down the Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that our viewers couldn’t let us overlook this month! Find the best new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on the Viewers’ Votes!

Sync or Swim

Inspired by real life synchronized swimming – focus on teamwork, collaboration, and communication!


New Marvel Card Sleeves: Jane Foster/Thor, She-Hulk, and Magneto

Upgrade your game and protect your cards with these awesome limited edition Marvel character Card Sleeves, exclusively from Upper Deck!

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  1. So glad you guys got to see each other! 🙂

  2. Why does Matthews head look so much bigger at times? Some weird depth focus issues.

  3. What a top 10. I miss all of them, except for Calico, which i prefer not to play))

  4. Seeing you in the same room is giving ME an existential crisis.

  5. I am physically incapable of saying "Agricola" without singing it out like "Ricola". It's probably pretty annoying.

  6. I have gotten two six sided dice in games that didn't actually require them.

  7. Aw, you two are so great on screen together. Time for one of you to move and do more shows together!

  8. The best Watch it Played duo is right here, in this video. Matthew and Paula have friendly personalities easy to like, and play off each other perfectly as co-hosts.

  9. Idk why but we are only playing sequence right now. Don't feel like setting anything up

  10. Do you want the flamethrowers, or the flamethrower + fuel, which is only in the deluxe Thing version

  11. Kind of cheesy but practical and holds up really well. So, wait The Thing is Chaz???

  12. I really enjoy that "The Thing" game – one of the more enjoyable hidden traitor games I've played; close runner-up to Dark Moon. (BSG is toooooo stresso for me)

    Also is it just me or are there a few Uwe games like Agricola and Loyang which just feel punishing to play, but find his other chonky games enjoyable..?

  13. My gaming crew is playing The Thing board game this week. We're playing the one that came out recently not the outpost version. Got my minis painted and everything.

  14. Super happy to see Battletech on this list. 😍👌

  15. I'm also a complicated person. I wouldn't afford the space games I like if they came with a ship, but whenever I open one and it doesn't have a ship…how is this a "space game"? How am I gonna play this on Earth???

    Anyway, is that another revision of Agricola? I thought I already have the revised edition. There's a revision of the revision? I would like an alternative action cards options myself.

  16. Every single person on this channel seem like they would be so much fun to hang out with.

  17. The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31! Don't. Trust. Anyone. 🥶

  18. Always great to see you two together, I still miss DxM. Looking forward to seeing you at Airecon next year 🙂

  19. Merchants & Marauders is an fantastic epic game. Really wish there was an oversized neoprene map for it.

  20. Very enjoyable, you two work great together.

  21. Escape from LA also sounds like a board game. Welcome to the human race.

  22. Played the thing: infection at outpost 31 at a family gathering. At the next family gathering as I was walking in the door I was told if I didn't bring it to leave. Thankfully, I brought it.

  23. From what I hear, The Thing Infection at Outpost 31 is on a limited print run and then done.

  24. Anyone else fully expect Monique and Naveen to Kool-Aid man their way into the room when Paula was talking about not playing many of the Uwe games? If Paula goes missing for a few days, I know who to suspect first.

  25. I loved watching this, you're genuinely funny, I hope you get to be together in person more often! I wanna vote on your next video like this, so you got my Patreon support now. Keep up the good work!

  26. I'm pretty sure that wasn't Monique or Naveen in that photo and without any evidence of the Never Ending Story game i just can't believe Matthews claims. Post production has some questions to answer this episode.

  27. Is Paula's traitor sense just as good as her dice luck? 🙂

  28. John Carpenter's The Thing is the greatest sci-fi horror flick ever made. I would fight a xenomorph over it.

  29. “You Will Not Trick Me Into Doing This With You” was the first single from my high school pop punk band

  30. Great people’s choice! Love the variety of picks.

  31. YouTube let Paula host every video ever challenge. She’s a goddamn national treasure

  32. Dave Luza has donuts hidden around his house, go through all his stuff to find them!

  33. You guys are a great couple. Great Chemistry on screen

  34. "Artax, you have to try, you have to care, please. You are my friend." Basically the children's equivalent of Ned Stark's final scene in Game of Thrones. Epic VHS moment.

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