10 Board Games Being PLAYED Right Now - "People's Choice" Board Game Picks! - cutlassboardgame.com

10 Board Games Being PLAYED Right Now – “People’s Choice” Board Game Picks!

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Counting down the Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that our viewers couldn’t let us overlook this month! Find the best new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on the Viewers’ Votes!

The Fox Experiment

Inspired by a real experiment that made huge discoveries about domestication and genetics!


Parks: Wildlife

This PARKS expansion features more Parks, more trails, more gear, more canteens, and more wildlife!

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  1. How were you playing Micro Macro Crime City online? That looks like the way to play 🎉

  2. This video made me go out and buy Mythic Mischief, thank you for these!

  3. I really need to crack the shrink on the second Micro Macro, gah! One day.. (Also it's really distracting that I have the same mug as that. I may have just missed a ton of what was said because I was squinting at it.)

  4. "…my headphone is popping out." Ok. Those are not Mancala, nor a Weasel, nor a Hamster, nor a shoehorn, but they are also not "headphones." Those are earphones. Sorry, not a Sandwich, either. XO

  5. Had a game of Die Wandelnden Türme and Roam with my daughter today (7), she beat me on both games lol

  6. Excellent stuff as always, keep up the good work. Some great games on the list this month, the expansion to Endangered makes the game even better I think.

  7. I'm not one to argue over whether a certain food is or is not a sandwich, however if I may be permitted to get atop my pedantic high horse for a moment… What really bugs me is when someone incorrectly refers to a figurative sandwich by its bread and not its filling… A ham sandwich is not a piece of bread with ham on either side. Therefore, if you're sitting on a couch and you have a dog to your left and a dog to your right, you're not "in a puppy sandwich"! You're the filling in a person sandwich on puppy bread. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

  8. I'm thrilled by the revelation this video contains! I kept hearing my name in this video, but I've never played Viticulture and my daughter is 7. Folks, within the next six years we develop TIME TRAVEL!! Or at the very least, the ability to send messages back in time! Incredible! Also, I finally learn Viticulture.

  9. We keep buying new games, but we always seem to default back to Dominion.

  10. Last 2 weeks i am playing sleeping gods.2 campaign finished and i am ready for the third.i cant get enough of it

  11. Great Video! Always love the viewer picks! I’m going to keep campaigning for more puns in the viewer comments even though the task is a fairly difficult pun-dertaking

  12. Great list of games. Super excited for The Fox Experiment kickstarter!

  13. Great video!
    Just as an aside did we ever find out why Rodney had so many copies of Warcry: Heart of Ghur?

  14. I've never heard of a grilled cheese Buick before. A Buick with a cheesed grill however… man that drive down the coast smelled amazing!

  15. Played arnak last night and it was very fun and can't wait to get in a few more play. Today, Wonderlands war got delivered and I'm very excited to get it on the table

  16. Regarding beeing efficient: I would have called the game "The Foxperiment".
    And my favourite sandwiches are those with HAM-ster and eggs.

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