10 Games We're Losing Our Cool Over - Board Games On Our Radar! - cutlassboardgame.com

10 Games We’re Losing Our Cool Over – Board Games On Our Radar!

Watch It Played
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Counting down our Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that are on OUR radar this month, to help you find some great new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on our personal picks!

*Seers Catalog*

Get rid of nearly every card to see victory for yourself.


*CATAN – New Energies*

Build power plants on Catan, weighing the merits of fossil fuels vs. clean energy.

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#WatchItPlayed #FindBoardGames #TopGamesMay

00:00 Intro to the Intro
00:10 The Intro Proper
00:17 Where Matthew Plays Games
02:19 What is a Card Shedding game?! (sponsor shoutout)
03:20 Rodney has an active imagination
05:19 They’re in Japan
06:42 Oh, no thank you, ma’am.
08:09 Oops.
08:57 Make a break for it!
10:24 Plan B on the Sea
12:17 I bet the island also has a food court. (sponsor shoutout)
13:29 Paula’s Devious Revenge (in Technocolor)
15:14 A change of plans…
16:52 She’s Got a Ticket to Annihilate
17:29 Chaz accidentally follows instructions
19:03 Something something friendship something


  1. I'm losing my cool over the ATL traffic card game. It's such a cool and creative concept with relatable variables. I'm really looking forward to it.

  2. This was such a fun skit! Some new games to watch from this list 👍

  3. 1st place in comments….goes to…….ME😎😎😎 GREAT VIDEO AS USUAL!🥰🥰🥰

  4. I am never a cool gamer. So I guess I'm ahead because you're only 10 games.

  5. Star Tycoon looks super pretty. Graphic design win! (I hope the iconography and usability is also there or I will eat these words)

  6. I think out of the list, Dabba Walla has intrigued me the most. Great job quelling Paula's fury, Chaz.

    Curiously enough, I also saw Knights of the Roundtable in The Hotness and there wasn't much available about it. It seems that hasn't changed. I'll keep my eye on it and, hopefully, I'll see it featured again here once more details are available. Thanks for the laughs, Watch It Played team!

  7. Earth is in space. Therefore, we are implicitly in space all the time.

  8. We won't Pass Pass on Doggerland!

  9. Hilarious antics from the WiP team, always cheers me up 😀 keep up the good work.

  10. Great video! There were a lot of great games on this list, but I have to say I'm also interested in Doggerland and Dune: War for Arrakis

  11. I'm sorry, Paula, but you are at fault for this. Based on past videos, you should have known that the rules were not going to be followed.😂😂😂😂😂

  12. Dabba Walla is not a place lol. Its what the person serving the tiffins is called (Dabba = Tiffin, Walla = Person )

  13. five or fewer?
    now you're talking!
    seers catalog, what a ride

  14. I died when i saw rodney's face at the end XD

  15. The main question is did Chaz really recently visited Dabba Walla?

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