7 Black Friday Board Game Deals at Amazon! - cutlassboardgame.com

7 Black Friday Board Game Deals at Amazon!

Man vs Meeple
Views: 3973
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Amazon has some great Black Friday deals on board games, and we’ve picked a few of our favorites! We have SEVEN games, each with a solid discount, and all games that are worth some attention!

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  1. Amazon US has Assassins Creed Brotherhood of Venice for <$47

  2. Amazon has Star Wars Deck Building game for $15.19.

  3. Not on Amazon, but I found a Feast for Odin for 20 bucks at a local store here. Best deal for a game I ever found. Same store also sold Pandemic Legacy seasons 1 and 2 for 18 bucks each. I came out like a bandit

  4. Fast & Furious for $7.99 and Pandemic Legacy Season 1 for $40.73

  5. King of Tokyo Island is a good buy at $40. I grabbed it for that a month or so ago. Fun, but hard as you advance!

  6. Thanks!

    Something that would be SUPER helpful, and make you money… Put links to the games in the Description. 😉

  7. I picked up sentinels of the multiverse definitive edition and the rook city renegades expansion for $30 each the other day on Amazon.

  8. just grabbed Glow for $14.99. seems like a decent game that fell through the cracks

  9. Spirit Island is the best deal that I saw for the quality and price of the game. My favorite board game of all time.

  10. Amazon UK sucks lol, the prices are way higher.

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