9 games I wish I played sooner - cutlassboardgame.com

9 games I wish I played sooner

Neon Gorilla
Views: 10249
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It’s in the title…

Game 1 01:29
Game 2 04:45
Game 3 06:39
Game 4 08:40
Game 5 12:00
Game 6 12:40
Game 7 14:39
Game 8 16:16
Game 9 18:55

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  1. If you judge a game by its cover, you are prejudice.

  2. Concordia is my #1 of all time… waiting the right chance to play Concordia Venus. Dune Imperium is my the game I wish I played sooner. As a genre the one I wished I tried earlier is cooperative… now catching up with Gloomhaven with my friends and Earthborne Rangers with my gf. I especially wished I tried cooperative games earlier with my friends, when we were in uni and had a lot more time compared to now, when we are all working…

  3. I discovered Samurai many years after I bought it. It's great.

  4. With CoB, everyone says it's 'silky smooth', which is true. However, I can't help but feel this is a consequence of mostly obvious decisions each turn. There are rarely difficult choices, which I very much enjoy.

    With Concordia, I loved it for 8 or 9 plays and then it dropped off a cliff. I don't love the dependency of getting the right cards to be able to get a decent score. If the timing/turn order doesn't work out for you when it/they appears, it can destroy your scoring potential. It's almost impossible to pivot. I just can't handle that anxiety 😂

  5. Inis is one of my favorites now. It’s awesome!

  6. Inis is one of my favorites now. It’s awesome!

  7. Inis is one of my favorites now. It’s awesome!

  8. Inis is one of my favorites now. It’s awesome!

  9. I am always so surprised about how excited people are about Dune: Imperium. I have three issues with it: First is how crucial combat is. There is no path to victory without heavy combat. This surely is a personal issue, I understand, but it makes me always rather play Arnak. Second and third issues are kind of connected. It's the worker placement limitation through the deck and the randomness of the deck. There might be an acton you really want to do – or even a situation, where you are simply locked out of doing something that properly benefits you. At the same time, the cards you can buy might randomly fit into your combo – or just not.

    In my personal opinion, this makes Dune: Imperium way too tactical for its weight. With the duration of the game I don't want to be this dependent on card pull and I also tend to prefer a more pacifist route to victory – again, that last part is my own problem.

    Overall, Dune: Imperium often gives me the feeling to have many options that I don't want compared to games, where I have to prioritize and find the most rewarding out of many good actions.

  10. I'm a simple man.
    I see a passionate gamer talk about games.
    I subscribe.

  11. Our crossover is Castles of Burgundy. It's one of the few games I've played at a board game night (don't do those often), and loved it, and now own it and still love it. Other games that didn't wow me for a long time based on appearance or whatever, but now I own and love are: Space Base, Red Rising, and Pax Pamir 2nd Edition. In general for me, most dry Euros end up being "meh" for me after I try them, so I've learned that I'm probably never going to enjoy many of the classics I still haven't tried. I think it's resource management and conversion that I just don't find too interesting at the end of the day. There's some games I love that have these elements, but if it's core to the game and particularly tight, not for me.

  12. Are there any 1 player board and or card building games to try?

  13. Wingspan. I could not care less about the theme. Birds don't interest me, and after a painful experience walking through a parking lot with an angry crow once upon a time, I actively dislike them.

    Someone at a convention convinced me to play it and… the game is awesome! The engine building is perfect, the round goals and personal goals is just the right level of tense. Gameplay 9/10, Theme 0/10

  14. consider nucleum. its like barrage and brass (two of my favorite games) had a baby lol. just a blast.

  15. I played Agricola and Carcassonne once back when I started playing board games, but I finally got back to them recently and they are so good. And I recently played Quest for El Dorado as well, and I get the hype now, too.

    I definitely got in the mindset of "I'm a more experienced gamer now, so I want more mechanisms and intertwining systems!" But going back to the simple games is so, so nice. I get why people could play these games forever. The depth is built through player decisions/interaction, rather than the discovery of untangling systems.

  16. Bizarre list. Yes they are all great (except Catan but that's a 90% hit rate & I'd expect 50%). Why would you have thought otherwise? (for a 50% hit rate)

  17. In the era of Brass, water was not 100% healthy but due to the alcohol beer was. Workers were paid in beer alongside a very base wage.

  18. On my list of not played is, Agricola, Caverna, Gaia Project, Quest for Eldorado, Taj Mahal, and quite a few more

  19. I had the same moment with Dune Imperium Uprising. I read the books and played the pc games of old with this. The movies reignited my interest in this world. 3 weeks ago I pulled the trigger and bought the game. Top 3 games of al time for me, need more plays with more players to know if it will go for spot number 1

  20. I watched the same comparisons between LROA, Dune, and Endless Winter. But after owning and playing all three, I would say that Dune just isn't the same as the other two. LROA is seriously fun. The way you can chain together actions is just super satisfying and makes you feel cleaver. IMHO Endless Winter is ok, but it just didn't bring anything new to the table. It just seems like a handful of mechanics thrown together without any real driving direction between any of them. We kept playing it thinking that something would click, but it never did for us. Dune is just a completely different beast. It's just an intense struggle. You can't quietly rack up points. It forces you earn everything you get. Everything is either a race or a battle. Every time we play, everyone is spent by the end of the game. Just a different experience from the other two.

  21. Great video! If you want a training partner for Gaia Project in BGA let me know.

  22. I REALLY don't like Cataan. You already know who will win a few turns in, after which its just a long slow death.

  23. Yeahhh if the game ain’t pretty it ain’t going on my shelf. Then again I love a good “ugly duckling” and I like to route for the underdog (in this case: aesthetically pleasing) but if the art AND the theme are complete misses, then it’s hard to want to play a good game, mechanically speaking, that was thrown away on a half baked theme

  24. Cascadia. I finally bought it and it's pretty good and chill.

  25. You never need to have played anything – play what you want – but we have an idea that Games are like Music, or Movies, where you get the experience and then move onto another.

    You listen to an album, you enjoy it, you move on.

    But games are not like that. With a board games the game is secondary to the experience of gaming. You can play a game from fifty years ago and it can be a great experience, and you can play the latest kickstarter and it can be great but it is the experience more than the game which you are transacting in.

    So games do not get old in the same way that albums do. In music, in movies, we experience the thing and then want something more. In games, we get something different with (most) plays.

    To put another way. There are some albums you might not be into, but you might have heard it when out and had a great time, and that great time was partly the music but it was partly the people you were with, and the good times.

    Games are those shared experiences, not cardboard and pieces.

    Nice video.

  26. There is magic in classics, and missed modern games, that get uncovered when playing for the first time, or returned to. The flaws with it can drive ine away over time. Catan and Dominion are two examples.

    In case of Catan, while a hobbyist tabletop gamer may not own it, it can be a staple with families that do not have a large collection.

  27. I think Catan for me is suffering from playing it way too much. I still think it is a very interesting game, but I won’t play it without Castles and Knights exspansion. But totally overplayed for me.

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