Atiwa ~ an incredible Uwe gateway... with two caveats | Board Game Review -

Atiwa ~ an incredible Uwe gateway… with two caveats | Board Game Review

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We’ve come across a few unusual board game topics along the way, but bat poop was one that was unexpected. As you’ll come to learn through the course of playing this game (if you didn’t know already!) is that the humble fruit bat can be an incredibly powerful assistant to reforestation efforts. Usually we write something a bit tongue in cheek here, but honestly this is just a really cool natural phenomenon. To read more about it check out the article that is also referenced by Uwe Rosenberg:

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00:00 Intro
00:20 Theme overview (Themer)
01:15 Mechanics overview (Thinker)
05:24 The ecosystem is beautifully represented in theme & mechanics
09:58 Much more accessible than other Uwe games
12:08 The component quality & sustainability efforts
12:46 Sidebar: why we’re still talking about representation
16:48 Caveat #1 Cultural representation
20:48 Caveat #2 Replayability
23:21 Player count
25:16 Solo mode
27:38 Our ratings
29:11 Wrap up

For more information about the game:

Thanks for stopping by for our review of Atiwa! We’re Amy & Maggie aka ThinkerThemer. We’re an Australian couple with two very different perspectives of what makes a great board game – Amy (Thinker) is all about the mechanics and enjoys tight, competitive games, and Maggie (Themer) is all about the storytelling and the theme of the game, and the ‘world’ that the designer is trying to create. Subscribe to our channel to hear us talk about these two elements of a game, and how well integrated we feel these are in delivering a cohesive and wonderful game experience.
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