Board Game Breakfast 489 - The Game That Hooked You -

Board Game Breakfast 489 – The Game That Hooked You

The Dice Tower
Views: 5532
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Chris, Roy & Wendy come at you with a healthy dose of Board Game Breakfast! Plus fantastic contributors!

Today’s episode is brought to you by Pandasaurus! “Unrest is a two player asymmetric card game published by Pandasaurus Games and designed by Brendan Hansen. In this game two players are pitted head-to-head in the struggle for control over five City Districts. Can the Rebellion complete their missions and topple the regime? Or will the Empire continue their rule? Now available!”

We are giving away one copy of Unrest! This giveaway is available to anyone in the USA. To enter the giveaway, sponsored by Pandasaurus, please send an email to [email protected]. In the subject type REGIME. In the body, include your name, address, and answer the following question. “How many Districts need to be liberated for the Rebellion to win?” Entries will be accepted until 11/19/23 at 12:00 AM ET
Official contest rules:

Check if you won the giveaway – and don’t forget to check your inbox and spam folders!

To purchase Unrest

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