Board Game Smorgasbord: Exploitation
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Today’s episode of Smorgasbord is brought to you by Bezier Games, publisher of Sync or Swim! Sync or Swim is a co-op party game where you and your teammates will be diving in to race against the clock to sync up as fast as possible!
We’re giving away one copy of Werewords, Deluxe Edition. This giveaway is available to anyone inthe USA. To enter the giveaway, sponsored by Bézier, please send an email to [email protected]. In the subject type UPBEAT. In the body, include your name and answer the following question. “What well known American game show assistant is one of the characters inspired by?” Entries will be accepted until 10/19/22 at 12:00 AM ET
Official contest rules:
To learn more about the game: beziergames.com
Check if you won the giveaway – and don’t forget to check your inbox and spam folders!
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