Every Board Game YouTuber's #1 Game of All Time - cutlassboardgame.com

Every Board Game YouTuber’s #1 Game of All Time

Views: 349044
Like: 5844
1. @Shelfside –
2. @ProfessorMeg @DevonTalksTabletop @BoardGameCo –
3. @Quackalope – / /
4. @AllYouCanBoard – /
5. @TheBrothersMurph –
6. @AliRisdal –
7. @LordoftheBoard –
8. @FostertheMeeple –
9. @WoodyREC –
10. @BoardGameHangover –
11. @BeforeYouPlay –
12. @RoomandBoardReviews –
13. @SirThecos –
14. @meeple –
15. @actualol –
16. @LegendaryTactics –
17. @thedicetower –
18. @TotallyTabled –
19. @NoRollsBarred – / /
20. @orski78 –

Gloomhaven –
Terraforming Mars –
Ark Nova –
Dune Imperium –



Shoutout to the video that inspired this one! @TheDragonsTomb –

00:00 Introduction
00:32 Shelfside
01:29 Professor Meg
02:07 Devon Talks Tabletop
02:33 BoardGameCo
03:04 Quackalope (Shira)
03:43 Quackalope (Sam Healey)
04:30 Quackalope
05:36 All You Can Board (Carlo)
06:46 All You Can Board (Braiden)
07:09 All You Can Board (Dylann)
08:06 The Brothers Murph (Mike)
08:38 The Brothers Murph (Nick)
09:10 Ali Risdal
09:41 Lord of the Board
10:05 Foster the Meeple (Jeff)
10:31 Foster the Meeple (Jamie)
10:55 Woody [REC]
11:29 Board Game Hangover (Janis G.)
12:04 Board Game Hangover (Janis T.)
12:49 Before You Play (Naveen)
13:34 Before You Play (Monique)
14:37 Room and Board
15:26 Sir Thecos
15:50 Man vs Meeple (Jeremy)
16:33 Man vs Meeple (Emily)
17:20 Man vs Meeple (David)
17:48 Man vs Meeple (Ryan)
18:29 Actualol
19:12 Legendary Tactics (Nato)
19:41 Legendary Tactics (Cax)
20:27 Legendary Tactics (Flash)
21:07 The Dice Tower (Mike)
21:27 The Dice Tower (Zee)
22:08 The Dice Tower (Tom)
22:30 Totally Tabled
23:31 No Rolls Barred (Laurie)
24:15 No Rolls Barred (Sully)
24:40 No Rolls Barred (Adam)
25:27 Orski


  1. Crazy that someone has Rising Sun as their No. 1! I really want that game!

  2. 7:04 Just One is a very safe party game it will work with any group of people however it should never ever be anyones favourite game and if it is then its obvious they havent played alot of board games, there is no aspect that is special about this game its just a party game thats good for people who dont play board games that much.

    19:00 Pandemic should not be a favourite game for someone who plays board games all the time it has no replay ability once you figure out how to effectively beat the game theres no reason to continue theres no new challenges, it just becomes a dice roll as to whether you win or lose as your already playing optimally

  3. Is Codenames considered a board game? If so, it is unquestionably my favorite game. We always have an absolute blast playing it. No other game elicits as much laughter as this game.

  4. I was sad to not see Dune: Imperium on the list, AND THEN THERE IT WAS!

  5. Terraforming Mars just isnt a great game. Its a decent one…but not great

  6. I Played pandemic I kinda liked but then the real covid pandemic started and I losted interest .Long live dnd.🎉 23:41

  7. Has anybody on this channel played Starwars or Battletech games 😊

  8. Finally, the last dude with Dune Imperium, How was it only 1 dude who thought this a top game. it's a 10/10. It's amazing.

  9. great work, time stamps, everything! Try Alien Frontiers

  10. My would definately have to be 7 wonders. Fantastic game to play that can also fit a ton of people.

  11. all the videos with no visual is so useless. for someone like me who doesn't play board games..

  12. I love love love that I disagree with almost everyone here. It really shows how board games truly are such a unique, subjective experience. It would be annoying if everyone agreed with what they thought the best game was. Board game culture is so beautiful

  13. ‘Chaos in the Old World’ is mine, I think…

  14. I like games where every decision gives a short-term payoff in terms of a new situation with a new tactical challenge every turn, as opposed to resource-gathering games, where the payoff can take a long time to come. This can be traditional tactical two-player games such as chess and backgammon. But apart from those, I have only found Gloomhaven/Frosthaven. Do you know of any other games like this?

  15. In have played about half of these games, and while most are really good, TI4 and Dune imperium are the best two! The problem with TI4 is that it takes so long to play, however if you have the time and actually get a 6P game going, it is the most fun Ive had playing any of these games.

    Dune Imperium on the other hand is the game Ive probably played the most and has the best balance of a lot of different aspects of board games. It mixes deck building with worker placement really well and involves so much strategy.

    So, if you have the time then try and play TI4 at some point but as a whole Dune Imperium is my favorite game.

  16. Absolutely love TI4. Hard to get my friends together to play it because of how long it is but it’s a blast.

  17. "Brass Lanca-shy-er"
    That'll get you blocked at the border. 😊

  18. Nice vid. Blows my mind to see nobody talking about Battle star Galactica and its expansions. Its so freaking good.

  19. Now all we need is someome brave enough to go through this video and just provide the list of games in the comments.

  20. This is an excellent video! My number 1 card game is Lorcana. My number 1 role-playing game is Vampire the Masquerade (V20/V5). My number 1 board game is Hero Quest. My number 1 over all tabletop game is Avalon: The Resistance.

  21. What exactly is “drafting”?
    Seems to be board-gamer jargon.

  22. I would approve of your video only if you had the permission of each of the copyright owners. Otherwise man it’s only piggyback stealing, plain and simple.

  23. Ill spit out my favourite: Lord of the Rings thr Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games. It is just so complex, clever, ans endlessly replayable. The themeing is actually built into the game, and the game would be worse if it wasn't themed as it is. Theres just so much freedom in making your deck, and every turn involves many difficult decisions and heartbreaking moments. Its just incredibly fun and i cant reccomend it enough

  24. What about No Pun Included? Also, I wonder how much Quackalope was paid for their “opinions”.

  25. Quackalope doesn't deserve to be on this list

  26. Wow so almost all are just group solitaire, pretty algebra equations type of games?
    I couldnt be paid to play almost every game shown. And these are peoples NUMBER 1!?

  27. Tremendous compilation. You deserve major credit, Orski. That was fun. Thanks.

  28. Gloom/frosthaven, scythe, wingspan, are some of my favorites

  29. Nobody picked my all-time favorite – Coffee Traders! It’s a perfect mix of mechanics that seamlessly segue from phase to phase of the round. No randomness, and 100% open information. Just enough player interaction, but no “take-that”. And, you are constantly engaged even in a 5-player game because you can piggy-back on other players’ actions. A perfectly-balanced game!

  30. What about Meeple University, Thinker-Themer, and Rhado? Lots of my favorite content creators were not included…

  31. If you could compile some board game designers' top favorite games, that would be really interesting to find out.

  32. Mine is definitely Ark Nova especially with the marine worlds expansion. Solid game with close second to Terraforming Mars and Wyrmspan

  33. My fav game is the old snake and ladders

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