How to make a board game in 2021
Gaming Indoors
Views: 41804
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#gamedesign, #gamedevelopment, #boardgames
0:00 Intro & Credentials
0:50 The Idea : Theme, Mechanics and Player Experience
2:26 Places to find game idea inspiration
4:56 Making a prototype
5:51 Places to find components for your prototype
7:52 Play-testing
9:16 Refining your ideas
10:00 Publishing your game
11:46 Look out for more game design tips!
0:00 Intro & Credentials
0:50 The Idea : Theme, Mechanics and Player Experience
2:26 Places to find game idea inspiration
4:56 Making a prototype
5:51 Places to find components for your prototype
7:52 Play-testing
9:16 Refining your ideas
10:00 Publishing your game
11:46 Look out for more game design tips!
Using all the knowledge I picked up interviewing designers, reading books, watching TED talks and YouTube vids and listening to podcasts on the subject, I’ve made a packed 12 min video of EXACTLY how to make your own board game, step by step!
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