I Moved! Selling 500 Board Games & The 15 I Kept - cutlassboardgame.com

I Moved! Selling 500 Board Games & The 15 I Kept

Gnarly Carley Gaming
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I moved from DC to the UK. And everyone asked what games I brought along with me of the 500+ I had in my apartment before I moved. When I made this video and thumbnail, I would’ve sworn it was 15 games I brought with me. Turns out it’s 16 so please enjoy my ranting about the games I love and forgive my inability to account to 15/16.

Timestamps to appease those who like less rambles and not make you hunt for finding the list if you want it:
00:00 Introduction
00:35 The Choice to Purge my Games
03:18 Addressing the Evident More Than 15 Games Behind Me
04:57 15 Game Kickoff
5:05 Number 1
5:33 Number 2
6:26 Number 3
7:25 Number 4
8:04 Numbers 5,6, & 7
8:56 Number 8
10:08 Number 9
11:28 Number 10
12:39 Number 11
14:37 Number 12
16:16 Number 13
17:18 Number 14
18:48 Number 15
20:27 Bonus Number 16…Cause I’m Bad at Math
21:46 Wrap Up on the List
22:18 Shipping the Games
23:00 My Hopes for the New Collection and Goodbyes

Paid Promotion/Gifted Product Disclosures: This video was done without sponsorship, encouragement, or agreement from any of the included game publishers, though one game was gifted to me by a publisher (Namely Kelp). All other games I either bought or was gifted by loved ones.

To be forthcoming in talking about products, it is important and legally required to disclose when you’ve received anything of value from a 3rd party. This can range from getting a game for free to cover or payment for the video/post/talk itself. My priority in doing sponsored content (paid or game gifted or both) is always to maintain integrity in the process. My time/video production can be bought, but my opinion and integrity cannot. I know that folks spend money on games and don’t have infinite resources to do so. My goal is always to present a game as clearly as possible, the joys and difficulties of my own experience, and who a game may be best for. If you’re a content creator, publisher, or even fan and want to discuss monetization and integrity, please feel free to reach out. And attached here you can find my philosophy on review content that I share with publishers I work with: