Josh Yaks about board games played in March - A brief return to form -

Josh Yaks about board games played in March – A brief return to form

Josh Yaks
Views: 74
Like: 12
I got back to a decent month of gaming with 8 games played, 2 of which were new to me, before everything fell apart in April (stay tuned for that, or see my “Community” posts for details!).

For as little as $2 per month you can support me on Patreon:

Or you can slip me a tip via PayPal at [email protected]

Write to me any time at [email protected].

I’m on BoardGameGeek as “squash”:

I’m on GoodReads as “Josh Yaks”:

00:00 – 8 games 2 new
00:49 – Game 1
04:07 – Game 2
04:40 – Game 3
06:28 – Game 4
08:43 – Game 5
11:15 – Game 6
14:02 – Game 7
16:05 – Game 8
20:38 – What about YOU?
21:15 – Outtakes

Original Josh Yaks theme music by Alex Cannon.

Royalty-free music provided by YouTube’s Audio Library and my video editing software, Wondershare Filmora.

Sound effects from

And you know what? I appreciate YOU!

#boardgames #gaming #plays #tabletop #ratings