Let's Play: Undaunted - Stalingrad [Tank Support] | Osprey Games - cutlassboardgame.com

Let’s Play: Undaunted – Stalingrad [Tank Support] | Osprey Games

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SPOILER ALERT: This is a full Let’s Play series of the Undaunted: Stalingrad Campaign and therefore will explore the branching storyline of the amazing World War II board game. Please be aware of that before watching!

Join us for the newest instalment of our Undaunted: Stalingrad Campaign. We’re playing through a full campaign of this awesome Osprey Games board game with our next scenario, Tank Support.

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Another battle plays out between Gerry and Shay as they delve deeper into the bombed-out ruins of once proud Stalingrad. Let’s see if that armour is going to end up helping!

Who do you think is going to come out on top?


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