Monster Hunter World The Board Game - Tobi-Kadachi Assigned Quest -

Monster Hunter World The Board Game – Tobi-Kadachi Assigned Quest

Flik’s Tabletop Gaming
Views: 315
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Monster Hunter World the board game is created by Steamforged Games and based on the popular video game by Capcom. Hunters take on giant monsters and gain better gear for defeating their foes.

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  1. Just played Tobi last night. I was a little confused about the teleport when the first part is the attack and second was move. Seems odd to jump him out right away, but the rules seem to go that way.

  2. Tobi Kadachi is a lot of things but legendary? Dude does make for a nice hat.

  3. This Tobi Kadachi painting is awesoooomeee!!!

  4. Bad electric squirrel. Get him cats (palico)!

  5. Well done vid. I got my whole set and a friend is going through the whole process of painting them all. Looking forward to play it when it all gets done.

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