Our 10 Board Games With No Substitute! - Games On Our Radar! - cutlassboardgame.com

Our 10 Board Games With No Substitute! – Games On Our Radar!

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Counting down our Top 10 tabletop, card, and board games that are on OUR radar this month, to help you find some great new games that people are playing, backing on Kickstarter, and talking about – based on our personal picks!

Oceans: Legends of the Deep

Dive into a new era of Oceans with the Legends Of The Deep Kickstarter, launching on October 18th!


Horrified: American Monsters

Save your town from the encroaching cryptids in this new edition of the Horrified series!

Big thanks to our special guest this episode, Jamie Keagy of The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast. Enjoy some insubordinate nonsense at:

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#WatchItPlayed #FindBoardGames #TopGamesOctober


  1. Amazing job – so wonderful to see Jamie on Camera again!

  2. Klask is a bit of an oldie. I really want the four player version.

  3. This is so awesome!! Is Jamie the one who did the detective episode? I loved that so much. Good to see him regardless!

  4. Great seeing the Cabalists step up to cover. And that Fiona damage was no joke when it looked like it just went east of PEI.

    * On a side note it has been fun watching Paula on the past Glass Cannon Podcast/Network for some of her RPG playing over the past summer.

  5. This just might be the best episode ever! Kudos to you all for keeping everything straight & getting through your lines (at least once).

  6. Good to see Rodney trying to make the best of the situation. Hopefully everyone is alright and things get settled quickly

  7. I've got to know if the Watch It Played cinematic universe was always planned to reach this level of hilarity or if things just slowly began escalating to this point ever since Paula thought Rodney was Chaz's dad?

  8. Hope Rodney and his community get back on their feet soon. Was glad to hear Ontario and Quebec sent a bunch of hydro electric repair units there to help our East Coast neighbours 🙂

  9. This script is pure brilliance, the creativity on this channel is actually endless.

  10. I don't know how you keep coming up with new bizarre framing devices for these, but I'm here for it.

  11. I wanted to add a funny comment but my script writer has gone to Essen so he asked Jamie to fill in but he was too busy filling in for Rodney who was filling in for Monique 🤣😂 Hilarious episode. thank you as always

  12. Whoever wrote this script deserves a standing ovation. Great stuff here!

  13. I asked my wife to fill in for me and write a comment.. She said no. Great video guys!!!

  14. Very funny 😀 always cheers me up, think this was the best one yet. I'm now eagerly awaiting Chaz's Offshore board game 😉

  15. Be careful so you don't break the space time continuum!

  16. Author! Author! Audacious attempt at anarchy, affably arranged absurdity. A++ awarded!

  17. Ok… so here goes a crazy idea… IVION: COSMERE SET… any other Brando Sando fans here? Wouldn't this game be a pretty interesting base for a Cosmere mashup?

  18. Love the writing! Informative and hilarious. Great video!

  19. Jamie Jamie Jamie! So cool to see my favorite board game podcast host

  20. Loved seeing Jamie in this one. What a surprise! Fantastic vid.

  21. Absolutely awesome video – Chaz, Rodney & Jamie – great job! Very entertaining!

  22. Wait, I thought Philosophy was 2-4 players? There's definitely a 3-player playthrough on the WIP Twitch channel that was quite good. And this was quite funny as always. Not sure how Matthew's flight was affected by the 3 LA people, but hey, if everyone else was taking the episode off, Matthew should have gotten it off too. It's only fair. Rodney needs to get some shinguards and spiked boots to deal with those prairie dogs. Hopefully, everything will return to normal for you soon. I mean the lava bears will come back eventually.

  23. I like how the hang glider honked it's horn and sounded like a Honda.

  24. OMG! Have Rodney, Chaz, Paula, Matt, Monique, & Navine all been figments of my imagination, while I've been watching Jamie this whole time?! 🤯

  25. This was yet another brilliant episode and I love the addition of the new host.

  26. Best BG video I've seen in a VERY long time!

  27. That was incredible! You guys never cease to amaze

  28. 😂😂 Great video! Cool picks for the radar, but also a very funny bit. Love the Secret Cabal cameo.

  29. Great to see Jamie in the vid. Love the Secret Cabal! Fun video Watch It Played!

  30. Poor Chaz!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  31. This video feels like a social deduction game.

  32. the script, the editing, the delivery! it's what multiverse of maddness should have been… man that was good tv! great show guys! also, hope Rodney is Ok after escaping from the saber toothed prairie dogs

  33. I filling in for Jimmy who is filling in for Rob who is filling in for Sally to say that Kevin heard me say “This episode was great!”

  34. This was hilarious, thanks guys. I hope everything is settling up Rodney

  35. Another great video. But to fill in for Rodney, you need a lot of hair gel.

  36. Very glad to see Jamie looking good and healthy!

  37. You guys are way too funny. We don't deserve y'all

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