Rock Hard 1977 Review: I'll Take Board Games by 4-Time Jeopardy Champions for $500 -

Rock Hard 1977 Review: I’ll Take Board Games by 4-Time Jeopardy Champions for $500

The Dice Tower
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Tom Vasel, Roy Cannaday, Wendy Yi, and Chris Yi take a look at a worker placement game about rock music, quitting your job, and making it big, designed by someone who lived it herself!

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  1. Tom Vasel likes Paper Money! the day has come!

  2. I think candies here stands for drugs 🤨😅

  3. Saw this game in hotness few days ago, my interest went through the roof! Thanks for review. I trust your opinion

  4. Oh I can see why the game sells so well, the dials go to 11. This is Spinal Tap.

  5. You can really tell they tried hard to prop the theme up to elevate the score. Mechanically the game looks like a 6.

    This will be a game Tom does a look back on alone and downgrades to a 6.5. BGG will have this below a 6.9 eventually as well.

    Niche games tend to dip after the hype runs out.

  6. I was 5 in 1977. I love that year because it was the year that Star Wars was released and it made me the super nerd, I am today lol.

  7. The game seems fairly pointless to me. I don't like the mechanics and looks and it doesn't feel thematic for me. It's not for me. Sorry Jackie.

  8. "Candy" — lol. That had to be "drugs" early on in the playtesting and got lost by publisher feedback.

  9. is donating blood for money an actual thing that bands commonly did back in the day? 🤔

  10. If there's one thing I've learned this year, its that more YouTubers should listen to The Runaways. They're the Queens of Noise, dang it!

  11. I was 12 in 1977 and was in a few touring rock bands and sat behind the engineers desk for a while as well. This sounds like a great game for me. I still sport a 1970s style to this day.

  12. I really like the theme, as a hard rocker myself.. I wanna play this game
    thanks for the review

  13. this game is going to be such a flash in the pan, this same time next year no one will be talking about it…. typical

  14. ok i'll say it… the cover, the cut and fit of the leather pants looks unnatural.

  15. This game is perfect for all the wish we were rockstars out there. Keen to get my hands on it.

    I think Tom has it pegged, if the theme doesn’t interest you play something else. Remember folks as Mike would say don’t Yuck someone else’s Yum.

  16. No mentioned the candy also being a song reference, 🤷‍♂️

  17. Touching the table had a lot of audio thumping ..don’t advise

  18. The whole balancing a job vs the gigs hits too close to home. Gaming ptsd

  19. I sing their cherry bomb song every time I play Quacks.

  20. I love how specialized words/phrases are lost or mutate over relatively short periods of time if they apply to something no longer commonly performed. Pressing a record or "pressing vinyl" is one such term. The DT group openly states 1977 is before their time (I was a teen then), but I thought it was very logical, and a great example of such a change for Chris to say "print a record." And if such were invented since 1980 or so, I suspect that would have been the exact phrase that was used. 🙂

  21. This is a good example of personal relationships getting in the way of objectivity. The components are terrible quality, the mechanisms mediocre. Theme is enough to save this? An 8? C'mon. Ive seem Vasel destroy games better than this.

  22. I would love to see an expansion to add rock genres to it as the end goal; Like Grunge, Gothic, Glam, Black metal and so on… each one with its particularities and ways to win the game, improving its replayability.
    I like to dream =)

  23. The theme looks great, but that gameplay looks dull, especially if there really is only one "path to victory."

  24. Tom looks older than a 77! I thought he was in his 50s!

  25. nahh not for me.. this will go stale after number of plays

  26. Is this gunna be on retail sale too or is kickstarter the only way to get it?

  27. Great review. I'm glad I waited for this instead of buying into the hype on a game that probably isn't for me. I'm much more of a mechanics guy rather than theme (I enjoy themes but they aren't my first priority)

  28. Sex, candy and rock n roll LOL

    And I'm so glad those dials go to 11! Would have been instant 👎if they hadn't

  29. Dice Tower should add an award for most difficult game to get back into the game box. Devir and Garphill would battle annually for it.

  30. Hard candy? Eat to much and get addicted and have to recover? lol come on man 😂

  31. All this talk about rails and "candy" has me cracking up. Way to stay on theme.

  32. 😡😡😡😡😡😡paper money!!!!!!!!

  33. Ya got me beat, Tom. I was born in Nov '78.

  34. (A nitpicky comment from a drummer) To the artist: at 1:08, please study how drummers hold sticks. Those thumbs are in impossible grips to drum with. And the sticks should be a tiny bit longer.

  35. Candy is obviously drugs and I love the thematic choice of calling it candy

  36. I’ve really wanted to try this one. But it seems most of them are defending the games lack flexibility. It doesn’t seem like there’s many true pathways to victory. Doesn’t seem deep,

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