Top 10 Board Games Like TWILIGHT IMPERIUM -

Top 10 Board Games Like TWILIGHT IMPERIUM

Legendary Tactics
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Every board gamer needs to play Twilight Imperium 4th edition at least once. But if you don’t have time to get this to the table or if you’re interested in a lighter version of TI4, you might consider looking at some of these other 10 games that share some of the same mechanics, feel, or themes with Twilight Imperium.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played a game and said, ah, that reminds me of Twilight Imperium. If you’ve had this experience, slap the name of that game down in the comments. Here are the top 10 games that remind me of Twilight Imperium.
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0:00 10 Games Like T.I.
0:40 #1 Twilight Imperium Light
1:11 #2 Strategy Cards
2:09 #3 Variable Player Powers
2:47 #4 4X – Exploration
3:38 #5 4X – Expansion
4:10 #6 4X – Exploitation
4:55 #7 4X -Extermination
5:37 #8 Expansive Space Opera
6:26 #9 Player Relationships
6:57 #10 Spirit