Top 10 Games that Should be in the Board Game Geek Top 10 -

Top 10 Games that Should be in the Board Game Geek Top 10

The Dice Tower
Views: 42610
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Tom Vasel, Camilla Cleghorn, and Chris Yi take a look at their top 10 games that they feel should be among the highest rated games on

0:00 Intro

11:39 Chris
13:44 Camilla
16:07 Tom

17:58 Chris
19:56 Camilla
22:11 Tom

24:50 Chris
27:55 Camilla
30:31 Tom

32:57 Chris
35:16 Camilla
36:53 Tom

39:21 Chris
41:20 Camilla
44:52 Tom

46:24 Chris
48:08 Camilla
50:32 Tom

53:16 Chris
55:33 Camilla
58:05 Tom

1:00:28 Chris
1:03:23 Camilla
1:05:33 Tom

1:08:26 Chris
1:10:54 Camilla
1:12:43 Tom

1:14:21 Chris
1:17:10 Camilla
1:19:23 Tom

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  1. Really don't understand the logic used for most of these choices. Mostly good games but are they really better than what is listed, even in the top 20. I know these are your opinions, but it should be the best games regardless of different mechanisms it may or may not use. Just some thoughts

  2. Camilla killing me with that first comment: “Uh, the instructions you didn’t give me? Correct.” 😂😂😂

  3. Chris' additional music album list…

    10 – Beatles – Rubber Soul
    9 – Metallica – Master of Puppets
    8 – The Bodyguard OST (or generally movie soundtracks)
    7 – Tool – Lateralus
    6 – Ramones – Ramones
    5 – AC/DC – Back to Black
    4 – Pink Floyd – The Wall
    3 – Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Californication
    2 – Marvin Gaye – What's Going On
    1 – Led Zeppelin – IV

  4. Pandemic Legacy is so overrated. It's Pandemic like 15 times.

  5. Chris has an excellent musical taste. And he kinda made me want to try Root

  6. Is there any top ten for the game that has the most effect or changes in future games? you mentioned Ticket to ride, and Pandemic and Dominion.

  7. Calling someone snobby just because they don't like Endgame is the same as calling someone dumb just because they don't like Citizen Kane.

  8. I do hate Quacks. But that is just me but I never had a good time with this game..

  9. I enjoyed the friendly banter between these three. Loved Camilla's unconventional choices, Chris' music correlations and Tom jokingly leaning into the "old man" role. Looking forward to more lists, love you guys!

  10. I got major Mario Kart vibes from the opening music! I'm here for it.

  11. I'm sorry, I love everyone in the video, but Camilla totally got this list wrong xD A Top 10 BGG game is not supposed to be a great welcoming game. It's supposed be either a masterpiece or a good/very good game that made a huge splash and left a permanent mark on Board Game history. If it's neither, it's not BGG Top10 worth it imo.

  12. The music analogies really made this list. Nice job, Chris.

    Just for fun, my choices…

    10. Scotland Yard (the granddaddy of hidden movement, might actually still be the best)
    9. Six Making (replaces chess… it's at the same time simpler to play yet more deep and thinky. And plays in half an hour.)
    8. Identik (best of the Pictionarys… only drawback is limited number of art cards)
    7. Mundus Novus (Rummy with theme, drafting, powers)
    6. Saint Petersburg (a full decade its senior, still the best version of Splendor)
    5. Cryptid (the best logic/deduction game)
    4. Crokinole (the best 2-player dexterity game ever made… it's almost a sport, playable indoors, with whisky)
    3. Rollet (the best 4-player dexterity game ever made… it's almost a sport, playable indoors, with beer)
    2. Ubongo 3D (A version of Tetris that should be more popular than Tetris. Get the German version with more pieces over the US reprint)
    1. Dixit (the original, still the best "Dixit-like" game, probably because it's the most like Dixit)

  13. Chris is such an amazing addition to the team. Always love what he has to say. Pure class.

  14. COINs aren't REALLY wargames (at least not classical or hardcore like hex and counter or block wargames), more of a mixture between political and war-themed games.

  15. I think bgg skews heavier (or why the top 100 is what it is) is because people that like those games rate them high and most people will know they're not going to like those games, so they don't play them. So they don't get rated by people who otherwise would've given something a 5 let's say.

  16. Really interesting top 10. Chris, loved your musical take. Tom, loved seeing you in more of the comedic role (since zee is somewhere else.) And Camilla, I really liked the surprises in your list (you also have a knack for seeing the audience differently from the rest).

  17. The problem I have with this particular "top 10 list" is that they are all doing a different top 10. What do I mean by that? What defines the "best games"? It is, by it's nature, very subjective. BGG I believe goes by rating, which means that ultimately, it comes down to 2 factors. 1) Enticing enough people in the target audience, and 2) Hitting it out of the part for enough people in the target audience.

    Case in point – Quacks is a "fun" game, but it isn't a "high strategy" game. A lot of the games on BGG are high strategy because a lot of the people on BGG are looking for in-depth gaming. However, the games still have to be fun to play. A game like Quacks can occasionally make it on BGG's top 10 (not that one specifically, but I'm using it as a stand-in for games that are "fun", but not "high strategy").

    I think what Tom seems to be going for are games that are clean and concise in what they do. The Crew is a great example of this…it has it's audience and it is simple and straight-forward about delivering exactly what it promises in an elegant way. I would be more inclined to lean in that direction if I were to make this list myself. And I agree that you don't have to like every game. I'm not personally a fan of Agricola, but I understand why it might be included.

    In short, I cannot disagree with any of the picks, but I think there is a different perception of what a top-10 at BGG should be. I have no idea…I think perhaps it was a bit "gutsy" to title your top-10 this way, but great lists guys :D.

  18. I think Camilla really understood the assignment

  19. Interesting how many of these appear in the family top 10 on BGG

  20. Anyone know which containers Tom has for Draftosaurus? Would love to get something to hold the dino pieces.

  21. I never, ever comment on Dice Tower videos (though I’ve watched almost every single one of them) but I must say… Chris your comparison of games to albums was amazing. I can totally see how you tied your picks to the albums. It was so thoughtful and on the money.

    I’d like to propose a series of videos where Chris just ties classic albums to games. I’d pay to watch that.

    Well done. Loved this list.

  22. Tom pulled a Sam with the logic of that ranking.

  23. I agree with Camilla on Chris' number 3 😁 (edit….same with her on his number 1 😆 )

  24. My personal top 10 games rhat should be in BGG top 10:
    1. D&D
    2. Magic
    3. Ticket to Ride
    4. Pandemic
    5. Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
    6. Caverna
    7. Dominion
    8. Wingspan
    9. 7 Wonders Duel
    10. Dixit

    Top 10 games that should be in the modern boardgames HOF:
    1. D&D
    2. Magic
    3. Catan
    4. Ticket to Ride
    5. Pandemic
    6. Dominion
    7. 7 Wonders
    8. Dixit
    9. Carcosonne
    10. Werewolf

    Top 10 boardgames that should be in the legacy (all time) HOF:
    1. Go
    2. Chess
    3. Monopoly
    4. Mahjong
    5. Backgammon
    6. Snakes & Ladders
    7. Jenga
    8. Clue/Cluedo
    9. Pictionary
    10. Scrabble

  25. 1. Glass road
    2. Marco polo 2
    3. Race for the galaxy
    4. Ra
    5. 5-minute dungeon
    6. Concordia
    7. 7 wonders
    8. Power grid
    9. Underwater cities
    10. Circle the wagons

  26. Chris reminds me of the kid-reporter from Almost Famous.

  27. I disagree with Tom on the note that it's bad you can give low ratings on bgg. I believe popularity does not equal greatness. But I do agree every system has it's flaws.

  28. Chris, your music taste in addition to your love of board games and sensem of humor make you someone I'd love to meet one day. Greetings from Poland!

  29. I would love if BGG maintained a "Welcome to this hobby Top 10…". Something that continues to update as new games replace the great entry point games by some newer games that 'do it better'.

    Great lists team.

    Chris, I enjoyed the music analogies. Well thought out and articulated. 👍😃

  30. "[Go] is my Citizen Kane". Tom Go is your Epic of Gilgamesh

  31. Tool. It's Metal so you won't like it. Not necessarily, it's Tool.

  32. Agrícola was on the top ten. It may have been number one, if I remember correctly.

  33. I am only about 20 minutes in so far but I wanted to thank Chris for his musical insights and how he approached his list. Music is my number 1 hobby far above anything else, and it is awesome to hear the comparisons to the board games.

  34. Now I want a top 10 musical albums of all time list 🙂

  35. Interesting that two games from SM games made the top tens. I definitely agree that the older game designs are better than the newer ones. I think BGG can't really winn when it comes to "the" list. Everyone would have a completely different list for very valid reasons. And because of that I think the only thing I would change about the BGG is what Time said….take out the duplicates. One Gloomhaven only etc.

  36. Obscurio is currently like 45 on amazon usa

  37. I couldn't agree more with Camilla on picking Menara. It was one of the first games I thought of after hearing the chat before the lists. It's a perfect dexterity game with depth.

  38. This top 10 is such a good idea! I even think it has year-end potential. Would love to hear what Zee's, Mike's, and Roy's picks are for the top 10 as well.

  39. Honestly I really agree with Camilla. I really loved her choices and I might try some of those that I haven't yet. Although maybe her list is a Top 10 for newbies.

  40. I really can't get over how spot on Chris is with his music analogies. . .

  41. Woot, woot, the top ten games Camilla has played…….no wait hold up… 🤣😜

  42. I've always felt that St. Petersburg should be rated higher, it's straitforward yet deep engine building and drafting. Much better then Ticket to Ride which I consider quite dull.

  43. This is a weird list. Not that I want to be accused of being a snob 🙄.

  44. hahahahaha are they trolling Tom by having Monopoly clearly in view by his head.

    regarding the video, this seems like 10 essential games

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