Top 50 Board Games of All Time | 20-11 -

Top 50 Board Games of All Time | 20-11

Foster the Meeple
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Welcome to Foster the Meeple, a channel dedicated to board games and all board gamey things! Join us as we discuss our top 50 games of all time, in today’s video we are covering games 20-11!
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00:00 – Intro
01:05 – #20
03:05 – #19
05:20 – #18
07:18 – #17
09:10 – #16
10:53 – #15
12:34 – #14
14:33 – #13
16:56 – #12
19:12 – #11
20:54 – Wrap Up
21:52 – A Little Bit Extra
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  1. Great Western Trail 2nd Edition is in Alpha on BGA just now! So that might help you guys get back into it 🙂

  2. I wanted to let you know. I played terraforming mars with prelude last night.
    3 players. Took like 4 hours. But the time flew. It was really fun and I can't wait to play again. I highly recommend.

  3. You nailed there Jeff with viticulture, that was exactly my thoughts, you don't have to make wine to win actually, because you can't make much wine at first place, thematically I don't like that, it should be more important, still a good game, but have you played Vinhos? you should try it…

  4. Hey Jeff, taking a wild guess that you've played Skyrim before, any thoughts on the new "Skyrim the Adventure Game" board game that's coming out?

  5. I love Viticulture, Sleeping Gods, Great Western Trail. I'd like to try Android Netrunner one day. I got Doomtown Reloaded instead. I would have liked to have gotten both, but I'm a terrible completionist and limited myself to one! Doomtown is in my top 10. Maybe Android Netrunner would have been as well. One thing I love about Doomtown is that you resolve gunfights with poker hands! And you can cheat at poker, and you can get caught cheating. One minus point for it is that I found it a beast to learn! Sounds like Android is a tough nut too!

    re: Viticulture, not having to make wine to win bugs me a bit. I don't think Stonemaier's games always make that much thematic sense (though I do find them thematic generally) – I really like Tapestry, but some of the order of development you get is plain bonkers! And I think some of their games are a touch luck-heavy on the card draw for some folks. We find Wingspan is brutal on the card draw now and again, and other times it all falls in your lap.

    But Viticulture's still one of my favourite light midweight worker placement games. I think Lords of Waterdeep edges Viticulture for me as my top light midweight worker placement game, I don't know why. I think Viti might be a better design, but there's just something about Lords of Waterdeep that I really love!

    One thing I love about Stonemaier is that I think you get your money's worth if you appreciate nice components. I find the mechanics are always very solid and they put together a very good package.

  6. Another great list… Jeff if you want to play more GWT it’s in Alpha on BGA … let me know and I’ll setup an async game to play.

  7. Can’t wait for the next video. We just visited the board room cafe in Halifax for the first time to try (and ended up buying) Villainous thanks to you! Thanks!

  8. We totally love Merchants of the Dark Road, and so agree that it's fun. We're so curious about what they'll add to it in the future. It's more fun as we play more too. We didn't find it hard to learn either. We also love Quacks for family gatherings (and the bling for it), and like you we love to 2 player Res Arcana, highly recommend both expansions for ResA.

  9. I just found your channel yesterday by your top ten video from last year, loved it and subscribing to your channel was a no-brainer! And today when I found this series of your 50 lists I got so exited. I've even started an account on GBB so I could make a wishlist of the games you get me interested in and so I can rank my own games at Pub Meepel. I really like your chemistry and I found you both so likable!
    I just have one idea/question about Viticulture (which is my #1 game). When my family plays it we nearly always pushes the finish line 5-20 points (depending on the time we have) which we think improves the game just because you become more dependable on your wine production. Have you tried the same? Did you have the same experience or did you (especially Jeff I guess) still think the wine making had to little impact? If you haven't tried it, it's a big tip!

    Sorry for such a long comment! Love you both and love this channel already! Hugs from Sweden

  10. Again really good list. Love to watch u guys.

    My list:
    11. Empires of the Void II
    12. Clans of Caledonia
    13. Inis
    14. Endeavor: Age of Sail
    15. The Castles of Burgundy
    16. Sub Terra
    17. Lost Ruins of Arnak
    18. Blood Rage
    19. Bruges
    20. Grand Austria Hotel

  11. I think you absolutely HAVE to get Tuscany for Viticulture! I'm sure it'll bring it way back into your top 10…!! I'm normally not into expansions that much, but this one was like a no brainer for me… played the base game once, thought was really good, then added Tuscany, and god…. it turned it into one of my favorite games ever, probably my top 2 i'd say…!! I would never EVER play without it now. The fact you can now place workers every season is so cool, plus with the new buildings and new specialized workers, it adds tons of replayability. An essential!

  12. Finally tried BGA recently and although I'd rather avoid digital versions I couldn't have played Azul and Blood Rage without it. I liked both but I think Azul especially would be much better in person. I'm glad I could try Blood Rage as it's seemingly on almost all top of all time lists.

  13. I'm a new subscriber as I found you two more recently. But just wanted to say you guys are awesome and thanks for the videos.

  14. If you don't like cards affecting victory points in Viticulture besides getting Tuscany, get the Rhine Valley expansion, it completely removes that, and all the visitor cards are focused on the wine production/engine building aspect of the game

  15. For the first time I'm def #TeamJamie off this section, dudes on a map games just don't do anything for me from what I've played so far.

  16. Really enjoying this countdown, and I can't wait to hear your top 10's. I'm new to Dice Throne (my awesome wife got me S1 Rerolled and S2 for Christmas), but WOW, do I love it! You've got me thinking I really need to add Camel Up to my collection.

  17. So curious for the top 10. Again nice games in this part

  18. Love Dice Throne!! It’s in my top 5. It’s so fun. I have season 1 battle chest and Adventures, Taught my adult daughter the game and now she has both seasons 1&2 battle chest and Adventures. I’ve also backed marvel Dice Throne. Easy to teach, fun to play, amazing art and components, and very balanced characters.

  19. Have not played Merchants… got it coming, I hope. I need to play more of Cthulhu… I got that big guy… he wears seasonal outfits. Not played root because nobody wants to teach this and that makes me not want to buy it. I like Viticulture production… I just don't find it fun. Azul #2 (Stained Glass) is my favorite… gamey enough and still easy to teach. After 6 kids, I'm not a Disney guy and didn't care much about this game. Haven't played Dice Throne, sounds great. Blood Rage is very good with people who have played before; I do like to teach this to new people and watch them discover it. Quacks is OK… I'll play but I don't like pushing my luck that much. I played GWT once and completely sucked at it… never returned. Not played Sleeping Gods… wasn't sure about the story. I'm thinking about getting the expansion for Lost Ruins… maybe it will save it for me, I have killers for it I think. LOTR is one I really want to play. Camel up fell off because its a little confusing for new players and I have others that fit that space. Netrunner… wow, I'd love to try that… seems like a really cool theme. I have not played Res Arcana. Rising Sun is one of those epic games that I own everything for but I think I'd rather table Cry Havoc. Parks with the expansion is awesome… love one way ratchet street mechanic. LOTR: Confrontation looks fun, not played.

    The list that nonetities would request if able… Mine (in collection):

    20 – Tokaido: Deluxe Edition – I like the relaxing vacation feel to this game and while others fall aslepp playing it, I dominate!!!

    19 – Wits & Wagers – I am always the host for extended family & friends fun… this is Thanksgiving every year.

    18 – Time Chase – Its just a trick taking game… WITH TIME TRAVEL?!! I wish I was better at this game.

    17 – Witchstone – This is really new to me but I think it is going to hang close to here as I continue to play it.

    16 – Vikingar: The Conquest of Worlds – just a weird game nobody has that I love to play… let's explore with vikings!

    15 – Council of 4 – This is one of those games that walks the line between difficult but easy to teach with turns that make you feel awesome.

    14 – No Thanks! – Always fun for everyone and the best icebreaker for any game night.

    13 – Vindication – Euro game? It's kinda D&D fantasy exploration with elements of area control and a beautiful production.

    12- Ethnos – Its just a set collection card game but I love it and I'll be amazed if it ever falls off.

    11 – Crown of Emara – I love roundels and everything this game does… I love that you have two scores and the lowest one is what counts!

    Love yalls list! I need to try out a few of these… Res Arcana, Net Runner, and Dice Throne for sure.

  20. I found your channel about 9 months ago after I stumbled across Jamie's Unboxing video of Lost Ruins of Arnak on BoardGameGeek.

  21. My cat started paying closer attention when Jamie started shaking that dingle ball at the end. 😻

  22. Thank you for doing these videos! Although we don’t have a lot of crossover in terms of favorites (at least not yet), I really enjoy the shared enthusiasm that you two have. I’ve been bingeing your channel since I came across it and I look forward to more videos!

  23. I heard people don't like the combat of Rising Run vs Blood Rage. Probably the theme too. Need to try both.

  24. Tuesday. Frigg! That's so far away. 😆 love the top 50 so far. Cheers

  25. The fact you two work full time and do this is pretty cool. Appreciate you two and your perspective. Hopefully someday the wife and I will make it to DT West! Got a 3 yr old and a 4 month old so it will be awhile.

  26. Great list! In regards to the Blood Rage v Rising Sun argument (both of which are in my top 10, with Rising Sun being my favorite of the 2) the 2 main complaints I hear for Rising Sun are its length and the 'negotiation'. Blood Rage is a really streamlined game with easy combat that can finish in about 2 hours. I have yet to have a game of Rising Sun under 3.5 hours (our group is slow). I don't mind that but I can totally see that being a huge turnoff for a lot of people. Also, the game was really advertised as a negotiation heavy game, which it isn't. Even though I love the game I do think the negotiation is a little under-baked and I think people just felt let down by their own expectations.

  27. Now we’re getting close! Top ten on Tuesday. I can’t wait. Viticulture is amazing…and I don’t even drink. Arnak…what can I say. I too picked up the Leaders expansion at Pax. Haven’t busted it out yet but I did pimp out my game with ruin like holders for the bits. Paint them up, sprinkle on some flocking and vines. Right up Jeff’s alley. Great project if you have a 3D printer. Res Arcana? Do you guys have a play through on that one? You already sold me on Silver Bullet. 🙀

  28. if you like Lord of the rings Journeys in Middle earth and you like dudes on a map type games you have to try War of the Ring. It definitely evokes lord of the Rings where you have to send hobbits to mount doom while at the same time waging wars against Saurons Armies.
    But you have to like war games. Its not too heavy as a war game. its probably about as heavy as Kemet or something like that. But if you Arne't into that you won't like this.
    But if you're into LOTR its probably the best game I've played that gives you the feel of LOTR. Haven't played Journeys into ME so can't really compare it to that. that's on my buy list.

  29. if you like Lord of the rings Journeys in Middle earth and you like dudes on a map type games you have to try War of the Ring. It definitely evokes lord of the Rings where you have to send hobbits to mount doom while at the same time waging wars against Saurons Armies.
    But you have to like war games. Its not too heavy as a war game though, so don't let that dissuade you from playing. its probably about as heavy as Kemet or Cyclades. But you have to like that sort of game to appreciate it. 

    The main reason I'm recommending though is that it is the Lord of the Rings movie as a board game, probably the best game I've played that gives you the feel of LOTR on an epic level.
    ( Haven't played Journeys into ME so can't really compare it to that. that's on my buy list, though)

  30. I bought Res Arcana because of you guys and I absolutely love it!!! Now I want to try Parks. Do you play it at 2?

  31. It is 74° as I watch this! What a fun list – can't wait for Tuesday!

  32. Another great video looking forward to the top 10.

  33. Write down your guesses for the others list. See how write or wrong you are.

  34. Parks: Nightfall is extremely good. Massive improvement to the goal cards, the instant effects are really interesting, and the campsites open up new choices. You guys are going to love it!

  35. I think I can guess your top 10 with what is left!

  36. Great video. I feel the same with Viticulture, it’s a good game but Vinhos is more of my cup of tea (or glass of wine lol).

  37. Love this section which means y'all's top 10 will be AMAZING!

  38. Great lists guys! Especially Jamie's, I feel like I need to pick up all of the games we haven't yet got! me and my wife are just getting into the hobby and your content is the best in the biz! in your recent video you mentioned making content on heavier games and I'm sure it'll be great but you're tastes, the medium to lighter games, are just the sort of games we love to hear about. Keep up the great work.

  39. Camel Up goes up to 8 players! Great party like moments for a non party game.

  40. I have both (Marvel) Villainous and Dice Throne unplayed on my shelf. I want to play them even more after watching this 😆

  41. I was totally enjoying this until Jeff's #11…now this whole list has been thrown into question! hahaha

  42. I enjoyed this again, again, largely because of the interplay :). I would love to hear Jamie say more about the mechanics she likes (aside from the top mechanic of "I win this one" 🙂

  43. I'm curious how many rounds does a game of Viticulture normally takes you?

  44. Lots of surprises so far! Many games covered I expected to be in your top 20, so curious what games knocked those out!

  45. My wife and I are on our 3rd game of Merchants of the Dark Road Definitely a fun and solid game.

  46. My love for The Lord of the Rings also runs as deep as Mount Doom (is tall)😂 Sleeping Gods & LOTR: Journeys in Middle Earth are both in our 10×10 challenge this year! We are fully diving into campaign games in our challenge this year.

  47. Gosh so many on this list I wanna try this! Great vid as always. Also, I read somewhere people are trying to say “Troops on a map” instead of dudes to be more inclusive, food for thought!

  48. What a cute cozy sweater Jamie ❄️

    Im so excited for merchants of the dark road.. it looks so pretty and you guyses rave reviews just make me want it even more..

    loved your lists as always, thanks for making such wonderful videos!!

  49. I get the journeys placement, my heart is so warm for LoTR and journeys hits that spot for me so well! Also every time you guys talk about Merchants of the Dark Road I want it more and more!!

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